Figure-1: Application Setting page information
Figure-2: Application Setting page information
Figure-3: Application Setting page information
Default Connection
Auto connect
Haptic feedback
Grbl Controller + Soft reset confirmation
Check machine position
Sleep after job
Grbl Controller + Jogging max step size
Rotate XY jogging pad
Grbl Controller + Streaming stop button behaviour
Enable custom buttons
Button label
A custom label for the button upto 3 characters in length.
Short click commands
Commands to be sent to machine when the button is short clicked.
Long click commands
Commands to be sent to machine when the button is long clicked.
Confirm first
When enabled it will confirm before sending custom commands to machine.
Custom command supports upto 2048 characters in length, multiple commands must be separated by new line.
Commands will be sent to machine using character counting protocol.
If you want to stop current running custom command, then you need to do soft reset of the machine.
You can also click on the jogging stop button in jogging control panel to stop streaming custom commands, again this won't stop the machine immediately machine will continue to run until its buffer gets empty.